Ffxiv summoner spell speed haste
Ffxiv summoner spell speed haste

ffxiv summoner spell speed haste

Maybe you could help me calculate something? As of now, I can cast five consecutive Fire IV while under the influence of Ley Lines and four without.

ffxiv summoner spell speed haste

I used the Dragoon AP/STR scalar (AP/9) as people have reported that the Dragoon formula works much better for the BLM, than the actual BLM formula I have, which makes 0 sense. Nonetheless, 9 SS will not make up the difference of 145.73009867 raw damage per 100 potency. If that 9 SS will make you go up a tier in your casts, you’ll see a DPS increase. This 9 SS will be impacted based on what your current SS is, as SS is tiered. There’s only a 9 SS difference between the two. Determination is simply expressed as 1+det/7290. Using the formulas on my page, (Using Dragoons, i’ll explain later), we know that every point of INT/STR/DEX/AP/whatever increases our damage by 1 + 0.1111 (1/9). You can use the formulas to check the increase in DPS. I was wondering if you could garner some insight into why the formula seems to break if I try to use a healer? Is it just some math error I made? Or is there an actual problem with the formula? Thus I found that, for magical jobs, the JOB modifier is irrelevant, the ATK is irrelevant, the STNC should be irrelevant but is being said to make a difference, and I think the AA_EXISTS modifier is supposed to be 1.11, but I’m not sure. For reference, the original AA formula was: I know that this is probably a useless thing to explore since magic people never use auto attacks, but I wanted to be sure that it was correct for all classes. The interesting things this formula brings up is that MIND/INT mean nothing to SCH/AST/WHM/SMN/BLM when using auto attacks. I also found that Cleric’s Stance did not change the values. When plugging this in and getting the min/max values I should expect, I found it to be off by 1. I found that after simplification the formula looks like: However, I found it to be lacking when I tested it on my SCH. After playing with the Auto Attack formula and testing it with a couple of classes thanks to the help of friends, I believe the formula to be correct (hoping to get a better test set when I finally level a mch to 60). I found them to be closer to what I feel a game dev would do since they use one formula for everything and use tables to plug in various modifiers for stance, buffs, job, etc.

ffxiv summoner spell speed haste

#Ffxiv summoner spell speed haste simulator#

I recently became interested in finding out how the game calculated everything (hopefully gonna try to create a dps simulator if I keep up on it :P) and decided to start with the japanese formulas.

Ffxiv summoner spell speed haste